What is a minor cut?
Minor cuts and bruises are a fact of life. No one is immune. If your cut is short and shallow and has smooth edges that stay together when you move the affected body part, then you can consider it a minor cut. If the cut is more than a quarter of an inch deep and three-quarters of an inch long, has jagged edges, and gapes open when you move the body part, it’s not minor. You need to see a doctor. Another telltale signs you need medical care is if your cut goes down to the fat, bone, or other deep structures. The same is true if the cut continues to bleed after you’ve put direct pressure on it for fifteen minutes. You should apply these same considerations for a puncture as well. One instance you might ignore these considerations is if the cut is to the face, and for aesthetic reasons you want to minimize scarring.
Ways of getting minor cuts
Minor cuts can happen while you are handling heavy equipment or sharp tools. They can happen when you’re chopping vegetables, rollerblading, changing a tire, or removing paper from a photocopier. Depending on their severity and your general health, they might simply slow you down from your regular activities for a few days, or they might be the gateway to serious complications. For instance, if you are diabetic, you shouldn’t consider any cut to be minor, especially cuts to the lower extremities. If your immune system is compromised, even minor cuts can take a long time to heal, and with the skin being your body’s first line of defense, that can be problematic.
General treatment after getting minor cuts
The key things to do when you get a minor cut is to clean the cut, stop the bleeding and prevent it from drying out and from becoming infected. The standard routine for treating minor cuts is that you wash your hands with soap and water before handling a cut. Clean the cut by washing with lukewarm water. Remove dirt or debris. Apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Many people use petroleum jelly to keep the wound moist and cover the cut with a sterile band-aid or bandage. If your cut is from a rusty metal such as a nail, you should ensure that your tetanus vaccination is up-to-date.
The advantages of using SilverStream
SilverStream is something you want to have on hand in your home, particularly if anyone in your family has a condition that predisposes them to have a minor cut becoming a major health situation. Even if you don’t have any of these conditions, naturally you want to heal quickly so that you can get back to normal activity. It just makes sense to keep a bottle or tube of SilverStream for those bike spills and knife mishaps. SilverStream, not only promotes fast healing; it is odorless, it relieves pain, and it fights off infection. SilverStream is safe to use, as clinical trials of more than a quarter-million patients have borne out.
How to use SilverStream to
Treat your skin after minor cuts?

To treat minor wounds, cuts, and abrasions, simply apply a thin layer of SilverStream gel to the affected area and cover it with a bandage.
Healing for most minor wounds is quick, but you may apply the gel once per day, replacing it with a new bandage each time.