Case Study
How to Treat Jellyfish Burns
What is a jellyfish?
A jelly fish is an umbrella-shaped invertebrate known both for its beauty and its venom. In place of an umbrella’s handle, it has dangling tentacles used for discharging barbed stingers packed with venom. Related to corals and anemones, these sea-faring creatures can be found mainly in deep waters, but are sometimes carried by currents to shallow waters as well. Beach goers and divers, who have had the bad luck to be stung by a jellyfish, can attest to their presence near shore.
What is a jellyfish sting?
When you brush against a jellyfish tentacle, it releases the stingers, which penetrates the skin and releases venom. Jellyfish venom commonly causes burning, prickling, sometimes throbbing pain and a print of the burn where the tentacles made contact on the skin. There can be redness, swelling, a rash, and there might be blisters in the affected area. If the venom enters the blood stream, it can result in stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, headache, muscle spasms, heart problems, difficulty breathing and other reactions involving multiple body systems. In very extreme and uncommon cases, it may cause death. The severity of a person’s reaction depends on a variety of factors including age, size, length of exposure to the stingers and how much of the skin is burned.
General treatment of jellyfish burns
You can treat jellyfish burns by first removing the stingers with a tweezer, then soaking in hot water, as hot water neutralizes the venom. Once the pain subsides, and there are no other symptoms involving other body systems, there is generally no need to see a doctor as the burns will clear up on their own. Of course, if there are nasty blisters and burn marks, you should take steps to protect them from getting infected. A common way to protect open skin, which will be inevitable if you got blisters from the jellyfish sting, is to rub on an over the counter anti-microbial barrier cream.
The advantages of Using SilverStream
For quick results in treating Jelly fish burns, use SilverStream. SilversStream is used for cleaning wounds and preventing and treating infection. Its active ingredients are a low concentration of silver ions combined with menthol and glycerol.SilverStream might contain simple ingredients, but it is not your grandmother’s home remedy, unless your grandmother’s remedy has successfully treated more than quarter-million patients without any adverse effects. In which case, it is your grandmother’s home remedy.
Here is what makes it so effective, and a better choice than common barrier creams and similar treatments. The patented combination of silver ions and menthol rapidly destroys something called biofilm. The trouble with biofilm is that bacteria and other microbes produce it to protect themselves from your body’s immune system. This enables microbes to rapidly colonize your wound.
Is biofilm sounding like bad news? It is. The worst part is that biofilm can help the microbes develop resistance to antibiotics. You want these guys gone, fast, and Silver Stream gets to work on them right away. Doctors know this, which is why so many hospitals and medical facilities use SilverStream as part of their wound management program. In a clinical trial, patients who received treatment with SilverStream, had their treatment time reduce by up to 50%. Doctors may choose Silver Stream for its highly effective antibacterial properties, but patients like it because it doesn’t sting when it is applied, it reduces pain, it reduces wound odors, and it doesn’t stain your skin or clothes.
How To Use SilverStream® to Treat Jellyfish Burns
Using SilverStream will help your jellyfish burns heal two to three times faster
- To treat jelly fish burns, first use a tweezer to remove all the stingers. If you developed blisters with the jellifish burns, drain the fluid with a sterilized needle.
- Try to keep the skin intact, as it acts as a natural barrier against infection. Wash the jellyfish burns with SilverStream® by means of a syringe or bulb.
- You can also spray the area from a spray bottle, or clean the area with gauze soaked in SilverStream.
- Keep open skin covered with a non-stick gauze bandage.
- Apply 1-2 times daily; up to 700 mL per day, or according to physician’s instructions.