Diabetic foot ulcer is very common now a days. It ranges from 15% to 25%. Various methods and dressing agents have been tried for dressing. In this study, silver nitrate in solution form as a dressing agent has been tried.
A prospective study was conducted at MKCG Medical College, Berhampur, Odisha.
Here, a total of 100 number of patients having diabetic foot ulcer were studied and consent for various procedures were obtained from them. Data regarding granulation tissue formation, pus culture and sensitivity report, skin graft acceptance and hospital stay were analysed in tabular manner.
Among 100 study subjects, 50 were taken as control group and 50 as study group (SilverStream).
The granulation tissue formation on 14th day was 95% in study group (SilverStream) and 82% in control group.
Successful skin graft uptake was 94% in study group (SilverStream) and 80% in control group.
Hospital stay in study group (SilverStream) was 25.6 ± 3.4 days and 35.3 ± 7.2 days.
Pus culture sensitivity test on day 14 was positive in 6 cases in study group (SilverStream) and 12 cases in control group.
Foot ulcer is a common problem worldwide, among which diabetic foot ulcer is the commonest one.
Various modalities of dressing methods and materials are available, but in my study silver nitrate in the form of solution form is a better option as compared to others.
Clinical Studies and Publications
A Study of Silver Nitrate Solution in Dressing of Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Ref: #2
Language: EN
Publication Year: 2017
Authors: Bara, B. K., Pattanayak, S. P., Malla, T. K., & Behera, M. K.
Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine and Healthcare, 4(73), 4336-4338