Case Study
How to treat your skin after kids’ injuries?
What is a kids’ injury? Most common kids’ injuries.
Childhood wouldn’t be complete without swinging, running, jumping, riding or sliding. Depending on where in the world you grew up, it would be sad if you never roasted marshmallows or hot dogs on an open flame, or went fishing, or climbed a tree. Growing up also means helping with chores and handling tools such as a knife and equipment such as a blender or a lawnmower. Whether they’re on the playground playing with friends or helping you around the home, kids are likely to get injuries from time to time. Kids fall, they bump into things that leave them with swellings, bumps, and bruises. Sometimes they end up with broken bones. Sometimes they get cut or poked with something sharp. They get things stuck in their ears and noses. They swallow things that can be harmful to them. Sometimes they get stung by insects. Sometimes hot liquids spill on them, or they handle a hot curling iron or a hot pot. So much can happen to a little child. And it usually happens in no time flat.Of course, this doesn’t mean you should plop the in front of the TV and leave them there. The best way for a child to grow up is participating in activities. That means you need to be watchful and vigilant to keep them safe. Let’s face it, it’s what you signed up for.
General treatment of kids’ injuries
In the event that your child gets hurt, there are things you will need to jump into action to do. Part of knowing what to do involves knowing when to rush your child for trauma care, or visit a doctor, or when it’s an injury that can be treated at home.If your child is hit by an object or has had a bad fall that leaves them with any puncture wounds, heavily bleeding lacerations and possible broken bones, you should head to the nearest trauma center. The same is true if your child is experiencing numbness to any part of their body as a result of an injury. Injury caused by a dirty or rusty object is another reason to get to the emergency room.
After an insect sting, if there is no wheezing or difficulty breathing, no hives or other signs of an allergic reaction, then that’s something you should treat at home. Otherwise, get emergency care. Minor injuries such as burns that involve just the top layer of skin, or cuts less than 2 ½ inches long, can be treated at home. If you made the decision to treat a minor injury at home, but later find that a cut or a burn shows signs of infection (e.g. increased warmth, redness, if there is swelling or drainage, or foul odor) that would be reason to visit your family doctor.
The advantages of Using SilverStream
Every home should have a properly stocked First-Aid kit. You especially should have one if you have children. Have bandages and band-aids on hand. There should be peroxide and rubbing alcohol. We recommend having a bottle of SilverStream in your first aid kit. Frequently used in medical facilities for wound management, SilverStream maintains the right level of moisture for fast healing, and it offers 24 hour protection against microbes.It’s great for use on kid’s cuts and bruises because it does not sting and has a soothing effect. SilverStream won’t stain clothing and sheets, and it doesn’t smell. You can trust SilverStream its active ingredients is a low concentration of silver ions, combined with menthol and glycerol. Silver ions are proven to stop infection before it starts. More than quarter-million patients were treated in a clinical trial with no adverse effects.
How to use SilverStream to treat kids’ injuries
- To treat first degree burns, cuts, scrapes, bruises and other minor wounds, spray SilverStream® over the area 1-2 times daily.
- Apply a non-stick gauze soaked in SilverStream. SilverStream is for external use only.
- Avoid contact with eyes.
- Use only undamaged bottle and avoid touching your wounded skin with the bottle.