The catalog showcases comprehensive scientific and clinical data on SilverStream’s effectiveness in treating a variety of wounds—infected, biofilm-laden, or non-infected—across home care, clinics, and hospitals.
Expert evaluations highlight its proven ability to foster an optimal healing environment and improve outcomes.
Its innovative formulation combines antimicrobial action with biofilm disruption, promoting tissue regeneration and faster recovery.
SilverStream stands as a versatile solution, addressing the diverse challenges of wound care with evidence-backed reliability.
- Amputated Non-healing Diabetic Foot Ulcer Healed
- Amputated Diabetic Foot Ulcer
- Amputated 9-Month-Old Diabetic Foot Ulcer Healed
- 24 Weeks Old Venous Ulcer on the Leg
- 20 Weeks Old Chronic Venous Ulcer with Presence of Pseudomonas Infection Treated
- Amputated Leg with Venous Ulcer on Thighs
- Elimination of PseudomonasInfection from 6-Year-Old Venous Ulcer
- Enhancing Efficacy in Venous Ulceration: Residual Fibrin Biomaterial Removal without Debridement
- Treatment of Mildly Infected and Non-progressing Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Venous Leg Ulcers
- Infected Stage III, Pressure Ulcer on Hip Region
- 8-Month-Old Pressure Ulcer of a Paraplegic Patient
- Furnace Burns on Forearm Severely Infected with Staphylococcus aureus
- 3rd Degree Burn on the Abdomen
- Domestic Burn Wound of a Minor on Shoulder and Under Arm
- Pseudomonas Infection Elimination in an Electric Burn Patient
- Degloving Injury of the Back
- Chronic Trauma Case with Severe Infection on the Leg
- Case of an Amputated Stump
- Trauma Case with an Infected Right Leg
- Chronic Hip Infection, Post Trauma Surgery
- Post-surgery SSI: Complication after Arthrodesis Surgery (Homecare)
- Post-surgery SSI: Complication after Knee Arthroplasty Case 1 (Homecare)
- Post-surgery SSI: Complication after Knee Arthroplasty Case 2 (Homecare)
- Post-surgery SSI: Therapy for Treatment of Implant Associated MDR Bacterial Infection
- 10-Year-Old Wound which Originated out of Minor Injury
- Mysterious 1 Year Old Chronic Ulcer Originated from a Shoe Bite
- Foot Abscess with Chronic Infection
- Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection and Multiple Bowel Perforations after Liposuction Procedure
- Silverstream and Negative Pressure Vacuum: Resection of Pilonidal Disease
- Preventing Ulcers in Bullous Erysipelas Topical SilverStream Treatment
- Chronic Osteomyelitis
- Additional Case Studies Compilation
- Publications, Comparative Studies, and Book References
⚠ Warning: the content may be hard to watch